..and my brain turns to tapioca and my fingers freeze, and the words don't end up on the screen. Here's a list of these ideas, maybe i'll be prompted to produce.
* Dick Giordano 1932-2010 - still really processing how much his work affected me through the years
* Watchmen 2 - the idea of any kind of sequel, prequel or spinoff creates a very volatile reaction, i want to let it settle down in to concrete thought before jumping
* Mike Benson very kindly sent me copies of his two part Batman story in Streets of Gotham #8 and 9. i feel conflicted because these comics have promising ideas but the execution leaves a whole lot to be desired - my gut tells me this is not from the creative team - make my brain tread carefully or maybe just say fuck it and write what i really think - i will reread them before i do that
* Pirates and Ninjas - working on a short piece that initial spark comes pretty easy, breaking it has been kicking my ass - writing about the failures might get me over that hump
* Superhero comic ideas that i have had over the years that i'm pretty sure i will never fucking write because the execution and my general distaste of that genre kind lock it up
* short bits about a variety of practical jokes i have played on various friends through the years - of course they might not find it funny. Also some of them are still ongoing so they might read about it and not quite get the joke